Registration information > Fees


Breakfast and lunches are included in the prices.
There will be extra costs for Friday excursions.
* Accomodation is offered to student presenters during the conference
(arrival May 19th - departure May 26th); see accomodation section for more details


If you are a student (either master's student or PhD student), you will have to send us by email a proof of your student status (copy of student card, ...) after your registration request is validated so that we can validate your student fee.

Unfortunately, due to the limited capacity of some venues during the conference (poster session, lunches, closure diner), only presenters will be able to participate to the full conference. However, there will be about 70 free seats to assist to the oral presentations. These seats will be available on a first come first served basis at the beginning of each symposium (see program).

NB: Please note that we do not provide travel grants

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